Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter TwelveCry of the Hunters 

After Piggy is killed, Ralph runs into the forest alone. There he has time to think about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, and the complete loss of civilization on the island.

Ralph takes the spear that the pig head was impaled on and goes to Castle Rock in order to confront Jack. There Ralph encounters Sam and Eric who are guarding the fort. They give him food, but tell him to leave because Jack plans on killing him. Ralph hides in the forest and falls asleep.

In the morning Ralph hears Jack torturing the twins asking them where he is hiding. When the find out, they light the grass on fire to smoke him out. Ralph runs from his hiding spot with Jack's boys chasing him. Finally Ralph collapses on the beach and looks up to see a naval officer standing there.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter twelve starts at 6:13:14.

The naval officer says to Ralph, "I would have thought that a pack of British boys would have put up a better show than that' (meaning would have behaved better than savages). In the comment section below, explain why you think 1) it is ironic that those words were spoken to Ralph and 2) it is ironic coming from a naval officer.

Test your knowledge of chapter twelve by taking this online quiz.


Kun said...

The entire of the island is on fire while the naval officer saw the boys with the spear in their hands and have the painted faces like a savager.
Ralph is the ' boss ' on the island . In my opinion , the officer means Ralph should lead the boys to be civilization instead of savagery because Ralph represents civilization.
According to the description of the officer's uniform , he should be the leader of the navy. I think he is ironic to Ralph that as a chief he doesn't controll or guide them as well as he does.

Echo said...

1 Ralph is the boy that insists on establishing a civilized social order on the island, but he was not enough power to control the boys. The words were spoken to Jack.
2 it is ironic coming from a naval officer because he was participating in the war, in the adult world, savagery overcomes civilization often happen.

Unknown said...

It is ironic that these words were spoken to Ralph because of Ralph always wanted the opposite, to be civilized.
It is ironic also coming from an officer because, in the war, they are not precisely the civilized ones.
It is Ironic also that Ralph has been saved because the Officer saw the smoke, produced by a fire, lighted looking for to kill to Ralph

Unknown said...

The naval officer’s words are ironic firstly because he was speaking to Ralph who was the guy running away from savages to save his life, he was victim of them, he was not misbehave and secondly, because he as naval officer was part of war in the adult world, where savagery overcomes civilization.

Unknown said...

For me it is ironic because Ralph was one of the boys who believed most in civilization and for him the rules were very important and he preferred to put his life in danger to be savege. I think it is ironic coming from a naval officer because he knows the dangers that a person can face lost on an Island and more if they are children.

Unknown said...

After Piggy's death Ralph understood that civilization lost on the island. He tried to return and fight with Jack. But Sam and Eric gave him a warning that hunters want to kill him. Ralph run away and hide in the forests. Jack gave the oder to fire the grass and smoke him out. Ralph chasing with hunters came to the beach where he met the naval officer. So it was irony that the fire which was lighted to bring him to death brought him to rescue.

Unknown said...

The naval officer’s words are ironic, because He was naval officer part of the war. Also he saw a guy running away from savagery to save his life.

asli said...

It is ironic that the officer says those words especially to Ralph. He doesn't deserve those words. Because Ralph, who could have been almost killed by the savage tribe, is the only and the last supporter of the civilization in the island. The more ironic in this part is that those words come from a naval officer. Because the officer itself -I mean the war- is the main subject (cause, factor) that dragged the boys to the savagery. At last the boys who are victimized by war saved ironically by a war officer.

Anonymous said...


The WW II was leaving millions of deads and destruction so the adults was not doing better than the boys.