Monday, May 21, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Seven: Shadows and Tall Trees

During the search for the beast, Jack sees pig tracks and suggest they hunt while they look for the beast. Ralph, who had never been on a hunt, agrees.

The boys reenact the chase of the pig and decide that they will use Robert as the pig in this "game." However, they go too far and Robert is hurt and scared. 

Jack, Ralph and Roger make it to the top of the mountain and see the slumped, damaged body of the hanging parachutist flapping in the wind. It looked to them like a "great ape" that was moving and bowing, so the three boys turned around and ran away.

Note: On page 88 Simon says, "That's a wound, and you ought to suck it like Berengaria." Here he is confusing two famous women from the 12th century (Berengaria) and 13th century (Eleanor of Castille). For an explanation about who they are click here.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter seven starts at 3:35:35.

In this chapter there are two examples of "foreshadowing" (when an author hints at something that will come later in the story). One example is the boys loosening the large rocks, making them fall down the mountain. Another example is when the boys almost really hurt Robert during their hunting game. Can you guess what these two things may be hinting at?
Test your knowledge of chapter seven by taking this online quiz. 



Unknown said...

I believe Golding uses both examples of the boys loosening the large rocks and the boys pretending hunting Robert to show how they are deeply falling into their primitive instincts. Children are not more exposed to their background of order and harmony; they are gradually degrading themselves into chaos and collectivist violence.

Kun said...

I guess that these two things maybe a hinting at the boys,ay lost their control from the begins of humanity to savage under certain circumstances. Maybe Golding thought that a nature or the innocence of a human being may get lost.

Ivan Chen said...

I think these two things may be hinting at kids will lose their civilization later and become to savage in this isolated island.

Unknown said...

They'll hurt to each other’s, because the dark side of some of them will be come out.

asli said...

I think I should have been answered this question before reading chapter nine. In my opinion, Golding hints here at the following dead of Simon with this two things. Falling down the rocks by the boys hints at the falling the sticks on Simon's body. And also, hurting Robert hints at that Simon will be killed by the boys who went into a trance in group's dynamic.

Anonymous said...


The hunting game where Roger is hurt is the wanrming that is coming a death. We saw what happened to Simon that was a victim of the frenzy of the hunter.

Unknown said...

I think that what is happening on the island is obvious. Golding very clearly show us what exactly happens to the boys on the island. The Simon's death is the result of the fact that the boys lost control of themselves.

Echo said...

I have read the novel, Piggy was killed by the large rocks which made by the boys loosening fall down the mountain, Simon was killed during their hunting dance. According to this "foreshadowing", the death of both of them was inevitable.

Mariangel said...

I think these two examples are hinting that they are getting savegery and losing control. And the result is terrible, Simon and Piggy died because the kids are playing "game".