Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Nine: View to a Death

In this chapter Simon awakens from his faint stumbles toward the mountain where he sees the parachutist hanging. He  immediately understands that the boys have mistaken this as "the beast." 

Simon runs towards the beach where Jack sit like a tribal king, with his face painted and a spear in his hand. The boys are reenacting the pig hunt and work themselves up into a wild frenzy. It is at this unfortunate moment that Simon steps out of the forest. The boys, worked up from their war dance, mistake Simon for "the beast" and attack and kill him. As this happens a rain storm starts and it blows the parachutist from the mountain and his dead body lands on the beach. The boys become frightened and run into the forest.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter nine starts at 4:51:53.

In the comment section below, explain why Simon's death at the hands of the other boys is ironic. Did you know that was going to happen?

Test your knowledge of chapter nine by taking this online quiz.


Unknown said...

In this chapter, the most important event is Simon's death. Simon was a very smart, mature and brave kid. He was the only one who did not believe in the beast. He was murdered (unpurposed ??) by the other kids, who without control of their emotions, in an exaltation moment let themselves to hit many times to Simon, regardless Simons was telling them he was found the paratrooper. They never listen to him, only actuated under the influence of the exciting moment, compared like they would be using hallucinates drugs.

asli said...

Simon's dead is very tragic and ironic. He discovered that there is no beast on the mountain top. While he was trying to tell this to the boys, Simon himself "the crawling thing, the beast" killed ironically by the boys who are actually transformed into the real beasties. I felt that was going to happen. At the end of the chapter eight, Golding gives the clue with this sentence: "Simon was inside the mouth." Like the beast will eat him. And than in chapter nine, Simon is in the center of the dancing boys, in the mouth of the beasties.

Unknown said...

Simon's death is very tragic and ironic. It was predictable. Simon felt that he would die soon, seeing himself in the mouth of a pig. I understood that this would happen, because the boys are already ruthless monsters with a broken psyche and lose yourself in reality.

Unknown said...

Simon was smart and he tried to find answer to his questions, that's why he went to the top of the mountain and found that "the beast" is a dead man, parachutist.
And he wanted to tell it to the boys. But the fear against the beast turned the boy into uncontrolled crowd,which killed the person who wanted to make them free from their fear. Simon's death was tragic and ironic

Unknown said...

The comments of Jorge, Asli and Irina are correctly reflect the culmination of what happened in the Chapter 9. I agree with Asli. She expressed my thoughts on her comment. The reality is that the guys overstepped the line that separated civilization from savagery. This is what the author said at the end of the previous chapter in the scene where Simon had conversation with Lord of Flies. The irony of the situation is that Simon wants to warn the guys so they would not be afraid of the beast. And as "good does not remain without punishment", Simon was killed by new beasts.

Kun said...

The boys are frenzy at the dance. They lost their civilization and become savagery. They treat Simon as a beast and killed him unpurposely. Simon rushes to tell the truth of the beast but overall he was dead. I didn't know this was going to happen.

Echo said...

Simon knew that human was terrible, but he was unprepared, he found the truth of the beast but the boys have mistaken that he as "the beast."

Unknown said...

Simon's death at the hands of the other boys is ironic, because he is trying to tell them the true about the beast and the boys in the frenzy dance kill him. Therefore the “beast” inside of the children kill Simon when he was trying to warn them to return to their civilized community before to become in a savage tribe.

Unknown said...

In this chapter Simon dies, he was very mature and intelligent. The only one who didn't believe in the beast.

Unknown said...

For me is ironic because Simó came with good new for the boys, that the beats didn’t exist that was just a death man in a parachute. I think that with Simon’s death a lot of bad things will happens on the island because Simon represented goodness and innocence.

Unknown said...

May be Simon death is ironic because only this character was not in a conflict with someone. He was kind and peaceful, he cares about little kids. Also his death is ironic because children decided that he is a beast. However Simon first recognized a beast inside themselves

Anonymous said...


The death of Simon shows that the hunters thought they killed the best. They mistaken Simon for the beast, however it was not represent the solution but the misfortune. Because they did not know Simon had the knowledge of the real situation and was coming to tell them what was going on.