Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Four: Painted Faces and Long Hair

In this chapter we see the boys' priorities: Ralph believes hey should build shelters to make the younger boys feel more secure, and too keep the fire going so they could possibly be rescued. Jack insists on hunting for pigs.

We also see Simon's personality emerge as a thoughtful introvert, and Roger starts to show definite signs of cruelty.

In this chapter we see Roger bully the littleuns, Jack punch Piggy and break his glasses, and then paint his face to hunt. In the comment section below, tell how you think these events are related to Percival's break down.

Test your knowledge of chapter four by taking this online quiz.


Echo said...

I agree with Ralph. To build shelters was important than hunt, safety first, just save lives that have the opportunity to be rescued. No meat can eat wild fruits to sustain life, without life, nothing will be gone. The shelters are the life-protecting.

Echo said...

I agree with Ralph. To build shelters was important than hunt, safety first, just save lives that have the opportunity to be rescued. No meat can eat wild fruits to sustain life, without life, nothing will be gone. The shelters are the life-protecting.

Unknown said...

I think I agree with Ralph , Because they need to build the shelter first , when it come to nighttime they have something to sleep on and just incase it rain they have to stay on.

Dominique said...

I think both boys have good points, but I think Ralph is right about needing shelters for the younger boys.

Ivan Chen said...

I agree with Ralph. Because little boys need a shelter to sleep together instead of sleep outside to relieve their afraid and let them feel little safety. Also smoke is a hope to rescue by ship, therefore they should not forget to keep smoking. Meat is important but in that situation, rescue more important.

Unknown said...

My opinion that to build shelters more important than hunt at that time. To build warm and safe shelters that can save them life's and have to chance to be rescued. I totally agree with Ralph.

Oz Abramovitz said...

I think the Ralph's idea to build a shelter is better then Jack's idea to hunt a pig.
Ralph have the idea of been rescue. During the time the have on the island the older group of kids should provide all basic needs before any other means.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way with Jack, because they have a long time living at the island without meat, they are still kid, they can’t growing up with no protein. Even I don’t think Jack care about the littuns and his hunt’s way was savage,but this time I agree with him. They have to fill up their energy and after to do hard work.

Mariangel said...

It seems to me they both are right. They need shelter keep them warm and take a rest, also make the littlnus feel safe when night is coming. And they need to eat meat to get energy after they have done a lot of work. I think the most important thing is they have to work together, so the things could be done well.

Unknown said...

Sorry for misunderstanding, but it seems they we answered the same question in Chapter 3. Do someone else see it? So my answer is the same 😉

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Ralph. A shelter is vital to children will survive in the island and to protect them from inclement weather's conditions such as sun, wind, rain, hot or cold temperatures and insects or animals that could hurt them. Shelter also could confort little ones and could give them a feeling of well-being improving their sleeping and maintaining their wish to survive.

Jennifer Alonzo said...

In my opinion, I agree with Ralph because they already have a food (fruit). The shelters are built because they need protection from animal or for the weather. Jack is hunting because he wants meat. Needs are more important than wants.

jorge Gomez said...

The priorities should be: The shelters to protect them from the environment, Get food to survive and keep the fire to get rescued.

Kun said...

I agreed with Ralph to built the shelther first.shelther is more important for kids safety.
they felt scary especially at night because of the beastie and to protect themself from the rain.
at the main while they still survive because they ate fruits and sea food instead of meat.

Unknown said...

I think they have their own reasons.Food and the environment are very important.So,I think they can be divided into two groups and cooperate.One group hunt the meat with Jack.The other make the shelter with Ralph.

Unknown said...

Between the criteria of Ralph and Jack, First should be the shelters. TO have food is important, but Jack is not thinking about to get food, for him, he needs demonstrate that he is a brave man.

Dianela said...

I think that they have a reason on why they decided to paint their faces, but the priority should be food and then shelter for them to be safe.

Unknown said...

Erika Hernadez

In my opinion I think Ralph is right because if there are fruits and water the most important thing is a place where they can be comfortable and safe.

Olena said...

In my opinion both decisions of Ralph and Jack are right, but for me better to be safety and just little bit hungry in the shelters instead to be full in the open area at night.

Unknown said...

In my opinion both decisions of Ralph and Jack are right, but most important is safety and then they can find fruits to survived.

Anonymous said...


The frenzy and violent episodes are related to the mental break down of Percival because of that is a sign things are going down.

Unknown said...

Some old kids beginning to show of wrongdoing acts with littluns and weakness like piggy, their bully behavior are related to increased the stress in Percival, who was beginning vulnerable to his mental breakdown.