Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter ElevenCastle Rock 

The morning after the raid Ralph and Piggy awaken and attempt to light a fire, but without Piggy's glasses it is impossible.

Ralph calls a meeting of the boys who are left, and they decide they need to go to Castle Rock and try to reason with Jack.

At Castle Rock, Ralph and Piggy encounter boys armed with spears who demand that they leave and throw rocks at them, but don't hit them. Ralph again tries to explain the importance of a signal fire and demands that Jack return Piggy's glasses so Jack attacks him. Piggy screams at the boys to stop. In the mean time, Roger loosens a boulder from above where the boys are fighting and rolls it down the hill. The stone hits Piggy and kills him. Ralph runs away, and Jack's boys torture Sam and Eric.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter eleven starts at 5:44:05.

In the comment section below, explain why it is significant that the conch was smashed when Piggy was killed.

Test your knowledge of chapter eleven by taking this online quiz.


Kun said...

The power of Ralph has drop to low point when the conch was smashed. It influence the power of the conch as well. In Golding ' s novel , it means the civilization is decline and the savagery has incline.

Echo said...

Conch symbolizes civilization, the conch was smashed when Piggy was killed it means that savagery overcomes civilization.

Unknown said...

The conch symbolizes order, organization and civilization and Piggy is the intelligence and the anti-savagery behavior.
With the loss of both of them, the civilization has been lost. It is what Golding is meaning.

Unknown said...

With the conch smashed, it is no longer hope to return to civilization that they use to live at the beginning with rules, order and empathy for everybody’s needs.

Unknown said...

In this chapter the symbol of civilization-conch was smashed. Instead of oder and rules came chaos and violence. Members of Jack's tribe showed themselves like real savages. Rogger killed Piggy.

asli said...

Ralph's group is trying to gain civilization again with the conch. Ralph blows the conch to make authority over the boys but what he sees is the silence. Piggy holds the conch and asks questions: "Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?" (P.141). But as an answer he receives a huge rock on himself dropping by Roger. Actually not Ralph but Piggy is the real intelligence mind behind the conch. He was the one and only person who knew how to use the conch. With Piggy's death, the conch "the intellectual and civil world" was gone completely. Simon had the truth in his hand and killed. Piggy had the intellectualism in his hand and killed. There is no place for wisdom and weakness in this savage island.

Unknown said...

Is very significant because the conch symbolized civilization and the boys at beginning of the novel vote for Ralph because he had the conch, now without the conch civilization ends and with it the power of as leader and wins the savagery with his leader Jack.

Unknown said...

The conch is very significant, it symbolized order, and civilization. Without of conch
the civilization ends, also Jack got more power. And the savagery won.

asli said...

I want to correct a sentence in my post: Piggy had the CIVILIZATION in his hand and killed.

Anonymous said...


The destruction of the conch shows us the victory of the savaggery and evil over civilization and rationality.