Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lord of the Flies             

Chapter One: The Sound of the Shell    

This is the longest of all of the chapters, but it is where you will meet the main characters: Ralph, "Piggy," Jack, Simon, Roger, Sam and Eric (also referred to as "Samneric").

In order to get started, and so we are all on the "same page," please do the following assignment by Monday:

1 - Finish reading and listening to chapter one.
2- Start to fill in the character lists on pages 5-8 of the workbook. 
3- Think about the questions for chapter one on pages 9 and 10 of the workbook.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter one ends at 53:14. Remember you can slow it down to .75 speed, which is what we were listening to in class.

In the comments section below, tell me what you think of the novel so far.

Test your knowledge of chapter one by taking this online quiz.


Jennifer Alonzo said...

I think is very interesting because we can see how the children have the ability of look at the problems different than adults. I don’t understand yet why there are only children. But it is to admire how is talking about organization, put order for doing things and how they are able to be leaders. I like how the author describe it, what happened with details, so I can to be able to imagine how is develop the story.

Unknown said...

A chapter 1 is discriptive chapter. It introduces the main characters: it describes their appearance, behavior and new relations between heroes. It is a little bit boring for me because I like actions. I would like to know why children are on an island (it was a war? An air crush? When did it happen: modern times, past, future?). So after reading this chapter I have a lot of questions. I know that Lord is the Flies is not a novel about adventures. It is a distopy and my questions are not so important for this genre.

Oz Abramovitz said...

I feel like the novel so far preparing me for the true story- its feel like most of the details will be helpful for the future.
The story seem dark, frighten and unpredictable.
Like any other story you are trying to imagine yourself and your actions in that kind of situations.

Unknown said...

For me the novel so far is very interesting because all the characters have something peculiar with which I go indecifying and realizing that we all have a dark side.

Mariana said...

i was mariana

Mariana said...

The chapter 1 is mainly about piggy's plan.he guided Ralph to lead the children.
as we know,Ralph is civilian leader and jack is a rude leader,so far they can control their current situation.

Olena Borysono said...

It is a terrible story about little boys who were left alone on the uninhabited island without any adult after the airplane crash that will have to survive.

asli said...

For me, this is the first time that I read an English book in this difficulty level. The others before this were easier. In a literary sense, I am very glad to read this novel. Analyzing and understanding the descriptions, the similes, and the metaphores and sharing our opinions with our classmates is a delighted adventure. Golding's comments about society, humanity, and the duality in human's behavior are maybe pessimistic but realistic, too. Even though the novel had been wrote in 50's it is still related today.
Asli Yurek

Mariangel said...

After I read chapter one, I know that there are a group of kids on a island without any grownups. And it presents the three main characters to me, they are Ralph, Piggy and Jack. Their background, personality, how they look like and how they show their leadership. Those things can help me to consider about what is going to happened.

Ivan Chen(Hailiang chen) said...

As for me, when I finished chapter 1, i knew this novel about a group of kids who left alone in the island without grownups. And main characters are Ralph, Jack, Piggy and Simon. And I felt that there would be bad ending because kids who live in island without grownups would not control themselves and easily make mistakes.

Unknown said...

I’m glad of rereading the book and meet again those rich characters. In the first chapter, basically, we know the main characters and is and introduction to the topics they represent.

Unknown said...

I Had to read it in school and i didn't pay much attention to it. I believe this book is an amazing story about adventure and humanity.

Unknown said...

In my opinion "Lord of Flies" is a book that describes society's issues that the author faced in his life, as well as, our current society is coping with. Human's duality between compassion and competition are the two faces that we can show as part of a community. The first chapters of this book have described, with new vocabulary to me, how a group of children began a new civilization in a deserted island.

Echo said...

Humans are naturally self-serving, in need of rules of morality and even legal.I think the novel will be a tragedy, the boys will hurt each other for power.
I wonder why Hitler killed the Jews, in my opinion, there are five reasons:
1>Religion--Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God.
2>Political --Jews engage in communist movements
3>Economic--The European banking about 30%-40% in the hand of the Jews
4>Culture --There were about 40%-50% of Jews were doctors, lawyers, judges, professors in European.
5>The Jews did not have their own independent country at the time until Israel was established.

April 30, 2018 at 10:48 PM Delete

Byron Pelaez said...

Well, to me this novel is interesting and confused,
But for the kids is very bad and terrible, that’s why I fell sad because these little kids they need to find out some way to get out of the Island without none grownup so they might do good and bad things in order to survive

Unknown said...

In this chapter introduced the main characters, Ralph and Piggy are introduced themselves each other from their conversation, I learn that of war transport plane carrying a group of English boys was shoot down over Ocean. In the uninhabited Island are only innocent boys, they can built something new.

Yenny Sierra said...

In Chapter one, the author introduces descriptions and details the main characters, like Piggy, Ralph, and Jack, and their capabilities to be a leader of the group the kids without adult company.
This chapter is a little heavy because the author used too many descriptions about the isolated island where the kids come for a fly accident, and they need to be organized like a small civilization to survive.
To me, is very interesting what will happen with this kids, look like an extreme adventure where kids of 6 to 12 years need to live free without adult support.

Kun said...

This is the first literature I read. It's seem a very interesting novel to me . A group of school boys started to expedition on an isolated island after a plane crash. The main characters Ralph , Piggy and Jack are showing their civilizations and savagery in this novel. They used the power of the conch to organize their society and voted Ralph as a leader.
How do the boys survive without an adult ? Will they become savage overall ? Interesting .

Unknown said...

This 1st chapter of "The Lord of the Flies" shows a good introduction to all drama of a group of teenager and children who are on an unknown island after an air crash. We knew some important characters like Piggy and Ralph who shows behavior according to their age. Until now we don't know why the plane crashed, where they were going, what was the objective of the trip