Thursday, June 21, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter ThirteenRalph's Hunters Say Farewell 

Piggy, Simon, and the little boy with the mulberry-colored mark are gone.  Ralph, Sam and Eric are in therapy, and Jack and Roger are on trial for murder.  The littluns have grown and emigrated to the U.S., and were found yesterday, June 20, 2018 in Battery Park in NYC sharing pizza, beer and reminiscing about their time on the island, and trying their hand at hunting memorials in that historic place. Here are some of the photos from that gathering.

We need energy before we set out, so we order pizza.

We're in the forest (minus Oz) getting ready for the hunt.

                                                                                These hunters definitely come in peace.

Seriously, thank you all for a wonderful semester. Your thoughtfulness, hard work, and dedication made these last few weeks very enjoyable - and even fun! Thank you too, for the fun party, cards and gifts. I appreciate your generosity. 

In the comments section below, feel free to say hello or make plan for a meet-up this summer. If I can make it, I will join you. Farewell friends!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

LotF: The Scavenger Hunt

Help! Ralph is in trouble! Jack and his hunters have descended into complete savagery and are hunting for him! Crack the codes to help save Ralph, and rescue the boys from the island.

You have to complete six tasks and gather the six codes that will help you unlock the secret code. You can access the scavenger hunt here

First: Click on the novel title at the top of the page and you will see a bingo game. Read each statement about the novel and determine whether it is true or false. Cover the true statements with the movable bingo chips. Collect the five numbers from the squares that create "bingo" to make a 10-digit code. Enter it into the Google Doc. 

Second: Click on the spear at the top of the page and you will be led to a vocabulary and conflict puzzle. Move the definitions on the right next to the corresponding word on the left. [Note: not all of the words are ones we studied, so use a dictionary if you need one!]  Once the tiles are lined up, read the message created by the bolded and underlined letters. Unlock the 3-letter code word and enter it into the Google Doc. 

Third: Click on the shell in the middle of the page and you will be led to a memory game. Correctly match the quotations with the person and that will unlock the 8-letter code word and enter it into the Google Doc. 

Fourth: Click on the glasses near the bottom of the page and you will be taken to an eye chart puzzle. Determine which character is being described and type his 5-letter name into the Google Doc. 

Fifth: Click on the pig at the bottom left of the page and you will see a literary terms crossword puzzle. Once you have completed the puzzle, unscramble the letters being pointed at by the red arrows and type the 7-letter word into the Google Doc. 

Sixth: Click on the boys on the beach at the bottom right of the page and you will see a jigsaw puzzle. After you have completed the puzzle you will see the picture of an island with a secret code in yellow letters. Type the 6-letter word into the Google Doc. 

If your answers were all correct, you will receive the message:
You did it! You solved the clues and helped save Ralph from Jack and his hunters. You helped rescue the boys from the island! Way to go!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

LotF:  The Films

In 1963 the first film (and best) was made in Great Britain of Lord of the Flies. You can watch that version here

In 1990 an American version of the film was made. Here is a link to the movie. 

We all found many differences between the film versions and the novel, but more differences in the American one. :-(

In the comments section below, choose the difference in the American version that you think changes the story the most, and why you think so.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter TwelveCry of the Hunters 

After Piggy is killed, Ralph runs into the forest alone. There he has time to think about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, and the complete loss of civilization on the island.

Ralph takes the spear that the pig head was impaled on and goes to Castle Rock in order to confront Jack. There Ralph encounters Sam and Eric who are guarding the fort. They give him food, but tell him to leave because Jack plans on killing him. Ralph hides in the forest and falls asleep.

In the morning Ralph hears Jack torturing the twins asking them where he is hiding. When the find out, they light the grass on fire to smoke him out. Ralph runs from his hiding spot with Jack's boys chasing him. Finally Ralph collapses on the beach and looks up to see a naval officer standing there.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter twelve starts at 6:13:14.

The naval officer says to Ralph, "I would have thought that a pack of British boys would have put up a better show than that' (meaning would have behaved better than savages). In the comment section below, explain why you think 1) it is ironic that those words were spoken to Ralph and 2) it is ironic coming from a naval officer.

Test your knowledge of chapter twelve by taking this online quiz.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter ElevenCastle Rock 

The morning after the raid Ralph and Piggy awaken and attempt to light a fire, but without Piggy's glasses it is impossible.

Ralph calls a meeting of the boys who are left, and they decide they need to go to Castle Rock and try to reason with Jack.

At Castle Rock, Ralph and Piggy encounter boys armed with spears who demand that they leave and throw rocks at them, but don't hit them. Ralph again tries to explain the importance of a signal fire and demands that Jack return Piggy's glasses so Jack attacks him. Piggy screams at the boys to stop. In the mean time, Roger loosens a boulder from above where the boys are fighting and rolls it down the hill. The stone hits Piggy and kills him. Ralph runs away, and Jack's boys torture Sam and Eric.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter eleven starts at 5:44:05.

In the comment section below, explain why it is significant that the conch was smashed when Piggy was killed.

Test your knowledge of chapter eleven by taking this online quiz.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses

In this chapter Ralph and Piggy awaken feeling ashamed for Simon's death, and their part in it. Piggy tries to call it an "accident," but Ralph insists it was murder.

Most of the boys have left with Jack to live on Castle Rock, and only Sam, Eric and a few of the younger boys remain with Ralph and Piggy. 

At Castle Rock, we see Jack becoming more cruel to the boys and punishing some of them for no reason. He demands that a couple of the boys raid Ralph's camp and steal fire. When Ralph and Piggy are asleep, they are beaten by Jack's raiders and a log from the fire is taken. However, it is soon discovered that Piggy's glasses have been stolen too.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter ten starts at 5:16:15.

In the comment section below, explain why you think it is significant that Piggy's glasses were stolen.

Test your knowledge of chapter ten by taking this online quiz.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Nine: View to a Death

In this chapter Simon awakens from his faint stumbles toward the mountain where he sees the parachutist hanging. He  immediately understands that the boys have mistaken this as "the beast." 

Simon runs towards the beach where Jack sit like a tribal king, with his face painted and a spear in his hand. The boys are reenacting the pig hunt and work themselves up into a wild frenzy. It is at this unfortunate moment that Simon steps out of the forest. The boys, worked up from their war dance, mistake Simon for "the beast" and attack and kill him. As this happens a rain storm starts and it blows the parachutist from the mountain and his dead body lands on the beach. The boys become frightened and run into the forest.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter nine starts at 4:51:53.

In the comment section below, explain why Simon's death at the hands of the other boys is ironic. Did you know that was going to happen?

Test your knowledge of chapter nine by taking this online quiz.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter EightGift for the Darkness

In this chapter Jack announces that there is indeed a beast, and that Ralph is a coward, and therefore unfit to lead the group. However, when the rest of the boys refuse to vote him out, Jack decides to leave the group and invites anyone who would like to join him. Jack's group kills a pig and impales the head of the animal on a tall stake in the ground as an offering to "the beast." 

Later, Simon goes back to his favorite clearing in the forest where he likes to be alone and sees the pig's head which is now swarming with flies.  Simon imagines "The Lord of the Flies" speaks to him in a threatening tone and frightens him. Simon faints. 

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter eight starts at 4:07:00.

Reread the "The Lord of the Flies" speech to Simon, and in the comments section below tell me what you think it means.  

Test your knowledge of chapter eight by taking this online quiz. 

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Seven: Shadows and Tall Trees

During the search for the beast, Jack sees pig tracks and suggest they hunt while they look for the beast. Ralph, who had never been on a hunt, agrees.

The boys reenact the chase of the pig and decide that they will use Robert as the pig in this "game." However, they go too far and Robert is hurt and scared. 

Jack, Ralph and Roger make it to the top of the mountain and see the slumped, damaged body of the hanging parachutist flapping in the wind. It looked to them like a "great ape" that was moving and bowing, so the three boys turned around and ran away.

Note: On page 88 Simon says, "That's a wound, and you ought to suck it like Berengaria." Here he is confusing two famous women from the 12th century (Berengaria) and 13th century (Eleanor of Castille). For an explanation about who they are click here.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter seven starts at 3:35:35.

In this chapter there are two examples of "foreshadowing" (when an author hints at something that will come later in the story). One example is the boys loosening the large rocks, making them fall down the mountain. Another example is when the boys almost really hurt Robert during their hunting game. Can you guess what these two things may be hinting at?
Test your knowledge of chapter seven by taking this online quiz. 


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Six: Beast from the Air

In this chapter an air battle is fought, but the boys are all asleep and don't notice. A dead parachutist gets caught on the mountainside. When the twins awake they think it is the beast, and go back and report the "beast with wings" to the rest of the group.

Reports of the beast sighting frightens all of the boys, so the older ones go to the mountain to see if they could find it, but they soon lose interest and don't complete their journey.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter six starts at 3:06:50.

In this chapter Jack and Ralph lead the expedition to the mountain together, and it seems like 'old times' when there was peace between them. In the comments section below, tell me whether or not you think this union will last. Why do you think so?
Test your knowledge of chapter six by taking this online quiz. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thank You! 

One year older: A lot more grateful

Thank you all very much for the lovely birthday celebration. The cake and gifts were wonderful, but the video was amazing! I appreciate the sentiments expressed, and the effort it took to film and produce. It truly is a special gift. It sort of makes getting older less painful. :-)  

Here is a link to the video.

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Five: Beast from the Water

In this chapter we see the boys', especially the 'littuns' fear of "the beast" grow. Percival gives more details and claims that it "comes from the sea," making the ocean seem a bit more sinister.  

Some of the boys, particularly Jack and Roger, start becoming more aggressive. All of this makes Ralph consider giving up being chief, but Piggy and Simon convince him that if he did that, they would all be in danger, and civilization would definitely give in to savagery.

In the comments section below, tell me what you think Simon means when he says, "maybe [the beast] is only us"? Do you agree with him, and think the littuns are just imagining a beast?

Test your knowledge of chapter five by taking this online quiz.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter Four: Painted Faces and Long Hair

In this chapter we see the boys' priorities: Ralph believes hey should build shelters to make the younger boys feel more secure, and too keep the fire going so they could possibly be rescued. Jack insists on hunting for pigs.

We also see Simon's personality emerge as a thoughtful introvert, and Roger starts to show definite signs of cruelty.

In this chapter we see Roger bully the littleuns, Jack punch Piggy and break his glasses, and then paint his face to hunt. In the comment section below, tell how you think these events are related to Percival's break down.

Test your knowledge of chapter four by taking this online quiz.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter ThreeHuts on the Beach

In this chapter the Ralph and Jack show sharp disagreement on how to lead the group. Jack wants to hunt for pigs, while Ralph wants to build huts for shelter. We get to know another  important character better, Simon. He is unlike Ralph, Jack and Piggy, but plays an important role in the society and starts to assert some leadership qualities as well.

In the comments section below, tell me whether or not you agree with Ralph, that huts need to be built first, or Jack, that pigs must be hunted first. Why do you think so?

Test your knowledge of chapter three by taking this online quiz.

Here is a link to our vocabulary video slideshows for chapter 3.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

Chapter TwoFire on the Mountain

In this chapter the boys begin to organize in groups, most importantly, the leadership and the hunters. 

The main characters are Ralph, Jack and "Piggy."
Which of the boys do you think represents morality and leadership
Which one represents desire for power and selfishness?
Who stands for rationality and intellectualism?

In the comments section below, tell me which characters stand for which trait, and why.

Here is a link to the audio Chapter two starts at 53:14 and ends at 1:25:20. Remember you can slow it down to .75 speed, which is what we were listening to in class.

Test your knowledge of chapter two by taking this online quiz.

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Visit to the Museum of Jewish Heritage

Wednesday, April 18 6-8 PM

In honor of Holocaust Remembrance (April 8-26) we will visit the Museum of Jewish Heritage. 

The museum is a very short walk from here. We can meet in the lobby at 6 PM and continue to the second floor. The museum's collection contains more than 25,000 items relating to modern Jewish history and the Holocaust. 

This topic relates directly to the novel Lord of the Flies, and it is especially important because of a new study which shows that many millennials (people born between 1982 and 2004) don't know about the Auschwitz death camp and the true number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
Scott Simon from National Public Radio (NPR) did a short story on this topic. Listen here.

In the comments section below, tell me about something you learned about the Holocaust at the museum after our visit.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lord of the Flies             

Chapter One: The Sound of the Shell    

This is the longest of all of the chapters, but it is where you will meet the main characters: Ralph, "Piggy," Jack, Simon, Roger, Sam and Eric (also referred to as "Samneric").

In order to get started, and so we are all on the "same page," please do the following assignment by Monday:

1 - Finish reading and listening to chapter one.
2- Start to fill in the character lists on pages 5-8 of the workbook. 
3- Think about the questions for chapter one on pages 9 and 10 of the workbook.

Here is a link to the audio. Chapter one ends at 53:14. Remember you can slow it down to .75 speed, which is what we were listening to in class.

In the comments section below, tell me what you think of the novel so far.

Test your knowledge of chapter one by taking this online quiz.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lord of the Flies  

by William Golding 

During an unnamed atomic war, a plane carrying a group of British schoolboys is shot down over the Pacific Ocean. Some of the boys survive the crash and find themselves on an uninhabited island, where they are alone without adult supervision.

What happens next is a study in human behavior.

With themes of:
Civilization vs. Savagery 
(Loss of) Innocence
Power and Leadership
Nature vs. Nurture
What others can you think of?

Golding's story asks the question, "What is man's true nature"?  

Here are two videos to get us started. 

This is called the Stanford Prison Experiment where two groups of college students were asked to play the roles of prisoners and prisoners. It is a study about the corrupting influence of power.  

The video also includes an excerpt of the Milgram Disobedience Experiment where participants were asked to give electric shocks to other participants who answered questions incorrectly. This is a study about the influence of authority figures and responsibility. 

Here is a video of two men from the Milgram experiment who, unlike a majority of participants, defied authority.

In the comments section below, tell me what you think. Are humans naturally good, or naturally self-serving, and in need of rules of morality?